How you end the day makes all the difference. Your evening routine can either set you up for a cheerful and fulfilling day or one full of frustration and exhaustion. Here are seven steps you can take to create a successful bedtime routine that will... (Read More)
Look at that. It's a whole new year once again! Around this time of year, most of us make resolutions to live better. For many, that usually includes eating better, exercising, and adopting other healthy habits. Here are a few tips to help in your... (Read More)
On the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, thousands of little flowers are harvested to create one of Young Living's most rare and exotic essential oils. Also known as Moroccan Tansy, Blue Tansy essential oil’s rarity and complexity are part of its... (Read More)
There are times — especially over the past two years— when it can feel like the world is off its axis and there just aren't enough hours in the day to get done what you want to get done. Work, take care of kids, find time to exercise, prepare... (Read More)
Grocery store salad dressings are full of all sorts of questionable ingredients these days—not to mention excess fat, sugar, and sodium. Use these recipes to whip up your own and feel good knowing exactly what’s in them, plus enjoy incredible... (Read More)
Parents know that there are a few things you can count on with cold weather: more cuddles, coats, hot chocolate requests, and kiddos with rosy cheeks in need of extra TLC. Get to know these YL products that are great to have on hand during cold and... (Read More)
Essential oils are an investment in your health and well-being. Learning the dos and don’ts of storing them is just one important way to protect your wellness investment and maximize their benefits.
Dos and don’ts: How do you store essential... (Read More)
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), being physically active can play a major role in preventing heart disease and stroke, the number one and number five killers in the United States. So what’s an easy way for you to get up and... (Read More)
Can essential oils change your life? They sure have changed ours! From a lavender-infused bedtime routine to a cleaner-smelling lemon-y kitchen, we have the tips and tricks you need to start using essential oils. Read on for four ways to go from... (Read More)